Monday, February 4, 2008

My Spot on the Highway of Life

The Road of Life!
When you are young the road spreads out before you. After schooling and college the road narrows from many choices to just a few: what job, what town, wife, kid(s)? And slowly you choose or let life just carry you along and let circumstances and “what-ever” guide you. That was how the road of life looked to me. I was just plodding along my way, It seemed very familiar and well-marked. Then The Lord asked me to attend this crazy school in California...

This school is different. Instead of narrowing your choices they have stretched and widened my horizon until I can see a vast number of roads, some well traveled, some not, and they call out to me!! Which way should I go? Skills are nice but not required in the Kingdom. Knowledge is good, wisdom better but my relationship with the Father is Key! Physical strength doesn’t mean much compared to a mustard seed. Tools and gifts are free for the blessing of others. The Lord is even giving students: gold, jewels and greenbacks for the work of the gospel. So what’s left?? What’s your will Lord?? I instantly hear back, ”What would you like to do?” I feel His love and care for me and my family. What wouldn’t I do for my Lord and friend?
I do have dreams and I know that He is the dream-giver! Let’s keep our options open and see what all is out there for Patty and I to do!!


Danni said...

nice post! good to hear your "voice!"

Danni said...

nice post! good to hear your "voice!"

Freedom Fighter said...

I love what God is saying to you and through you.